Moneta Gallery Coin Museum

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Monaco - 1 Franc 1924


Registered: August 2005
Location: Arizona USA
Posts: 2,365
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Struck under Louis II of Monaco. HERCUL·MONOEC·LL II
DEO JUVANTE, 1924; EM LINDAUER (Engraver: Edmond-Emile Lindauer). Looking up a translation of DEO JUVANTE I come up blank for both French and Italian. Rx: Thunderbolt mintmark of Poissy at left of shield; inscription: CREDIT·FONCIER·DE·MONACO
REMB.JUSQU'AU 31 XBRE 1926, 1 F.c BON P. UN FRANC. (You would have to know more to understand why a 1924 coin refers to 1926).
In 1922 Louis Grimaldi ascended to the throne as Louis II, Prince of Monaco. While his reign never achieved the grandeur of his father, Louis II left an indelible imprint on the tiny principality. In 1924 the Monaco Football Club was formed and in 1929, the first Grand Prix of Monaco automobile race was held. He collected artefacts belonging to Napoleon I which are now assembled and displayed in the Napoleon Museum attached to the Royal Palace in Monte Carlo.
· Date: May 27, 2019 · Views: 1,792 · Filesize: 136.0kb · Dimensions: 860 x 433 ·
Keywords: Monaco - 1 Franc 1924
Denomination: 1 Franc
Reference #: KM# 111
Date/Mintmark: 1924
Condition: XF
Weight: 4 g.; 23mm
Metal: Aluminium-bronze


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