


Moneta's Philosophy & Partners

Moneta's Temple consists of the Museum Gallery, the Temple Library, and Links to informational and dealer Web sites. Watch this page for primary information on "Partner" sites with a similar reverence for promoting numismatic collecting information, particularly to new collectors

Here is some background information about Juno Moneta:

Juno is the sister and consort of the mighty Jupiter, both primary dieties in the Roman pantheon. Juno was the mother of Mars, the god of war, and the most important goddess of Rome. As part of the 'Capitoline Triad' her Temple stands on the Capitoline Hill in the City of Rome.

Juno Moneta is one of Juno's many 'personifications', in other words, just one of her many characters or attributes. Not only is she the patroness of the coinage mints of Rome, she is also the goddess of warning and the guardian of finances. As the personification of the mint she holds a high regard for purity, standardization, and beauty in her designs.

As Cicero explained in "De Divinatione", Juno Moneta was known as 'The Admonisher' because she held to conservative fiscal policy which is often the real strength of the family and the state. She is usually seen holding a double pan balance scale which represents standardization in weights & measures in her coinage.

Standardization forms the solid basis for all science, technology, and commerce. These are the pillars upon which all progress in our modern society rest. Juno Moneta has returned to lead the charge against inflated fiat currency and unattractive designs on low intrinsic value metals.

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