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Gold Veins thru Quar

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Gold Veins thru Quartz - Pendant


Registered: August 2005
Location: Arizona USA
Posts: 2,362
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At the time of purchase I was told this type of worked quartz with gold veins comes from California. Here is the question: did the quartz fill into gold formations or did the gold penetrate cracks in the quartz. Potentially a very delicate material and you probably won't see much of this available, I know I haven't. This is holed thru the sides, which are thick, so that a thin chain will pass thru. Dimensions are: 29 mm x 14 mm (max) x 7mm; 4.1 grams.
· Date: February 17, 2020 · Views: 1,239 · Filesize: 140.1kb · Dimensions: 472 x 500 ·
Keywords: Gold Veins thru Quartz Pendant


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