Moneta's Temple and Gallery en-us Sat, 18 May 2024 22:31:25 -0400 PhotoPost Pro 7.0 60 Guadeloupe - 1 Franc 1903 <a href=";title=guadeloupe1-franc-1903&amp;cat=946"><img title="Guadelope_1Fr_03.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="Guadelope_1Fr_03.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: Moneta<br /><br />Description: This is a great design by Patey, and this depiction of a South American Indian on a possession of France, makes this coin in demand in higher conditions. Special strikes and those done in silver also exist. This coin was struck again in 1921 and also in a 50 Centimes denomination. I believe this coin is also known to be the one with the most sides, while looking round, it actually has 20 sides. The reverse image is of a major source of revenue for this island near South America, sugar cane. Mintage for both years 700k each. Moneta Thu, 14 Sep 2017 14:09:48 -0400